
Check Out 2023 International Kinesiology Conference Website for Latest Updates – Speaker Photos, Speech Topics, etc.

Good news! You may now go to the website of the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference at to see photos, speech topics and places of origin of the 54 speakers from 21 regions around the world! They will be contributing their expertise on the conference theme: Lifelong Learning. If you are interested in becoming participants, energizer leaders, co-sponsors, advertisers, proof-readers, or...

【Speaker Application is Closed | 2023 International Kinesiology Conference (Online) | Theme: Lifelong Learning】

Speaker application for 2023 International Kinesiology Conference is now closed. Thank you for your interest and support! Applicants will receive letters of confirmation (whether accepted or not) on or before February 14, 2023. Successful applicants will receive Guidelines for Conference Speakers 2 of 2 on the same day. Thank you!

Speaker Application Deadline Approaching | 2023 International Kinesiology Conference (Online) | Theme: Lifelong Learning

2023 is the 50th Anniversary of the founding of Touch for Health®! To celebrate this important year, an 2023 International Kinesiology Conference will be held online in October this year. Please be reminded that the speaker application deadline is just 10 days away! If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a speaker, please go to the conference website...

Happy Holidays from the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference Organizing Team

Greetings from the conference sponsor team to everyone! As 2022 is coming to an end, you may be thinking about life and work plans for the new year. You may also be pondering upon how lifelong learning will assist your growth in the future. Perhaps you'll consider applying to be a speaker at the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference (online). Download speaker application...