Author - Lifelonglearning2023

A Study on the Effect of Visual Perceptual Developmental Balancing on Reading in Adolescents – WANG Fengli

According to WANG Fengli from China, she has been working on balancing for young people’s studies and currently have more and more students enrolled in the school and profession of their choice. See what WANG Fengli has to say about her speech “A Study on the Effect of Visual Perceptual Developmental Balancing on Reading in Adolescents” at the 2023 International...

In the Land of Nothing – Henry REMANLAY

Henry REMANLAY from Indonesia has been incorporating kinesiology in his daily practice as a Chinese medicine decision, he realizes the importance of coming from nothing. He will be sharing his presentation “In the Land of Nothing” at the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference. Conference Website: Join Us as Participant: Play video on YOUTUBE Play video on WECHAT

Kinesiology Professionals Are Invited to Come to the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference

Kinesiology Professionals are invited to come to the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference to update and upgrade yourself with the latest knowledge and skills in kinesiology. Stay relevant and learn from your peers and fellows from around the world on the conference theme LIFELONG LEARNING! Remember to take advantage of these discounts: ▶ Two-month early-bird discount: on or before August 14, 2023 ▶ Speaker...

Unlock Your Brain Potential, Never Too Late – Atsuko SCHAEDEL

According to Atsuko SCHAEDEL from Japan, we need corpus callosum to be switched on! What if you don’t have corpus callosum? In addition, Atsuko will share Japanese characters, Kanji and which part of the brain is required to learn and remember Kanji. Come to the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference, and listen to her speech “Unlock Your Brain Potential, Never Too Late”. Conference...

The Golden Anniversary of the Golden Book: 50 Years of Sharing Touch for Health® for Lifelong Learning – Matthew THIE

Matthew THIE from the U.S.A. will talk about the golden anniversary of The Golden Book, the original ideas, the golden ideas, that have been preserved all these times, and how the concepts of Touch for Health have evolved over the years and how the Touch for Health training program has expanded. Come to the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference, and listen to...

Movements Promotes Learning and Brings About Changes – A Record of Application of Touch for Health® Balances for the Integration of Body, Mind and Brain – SHAO Yinghua

SHAO Yinghua from China will share with you the practical applications and insights of Touch for Health® in everyday life. Come to the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference, and listen to her speech “Movements Promotes Learning and Brings About Changes - A Record of Application of Touch for Health® Balances for the Integration of Body, Mind and Brain”. Conference Website: Join Us...

How Kinesiology Can Positively Influence the Gene Pool of Future Generations and What We Learn From Epigenetics – Marina GIESHOIDT

Marina GIESHOIDT from Germany will present her talk “How Kinesiology Can Positively Influence the Gene Pool of Future Generations and What We Learn From Epigenetics”. Marina will discuss how we can use kinesiology to positively influence these critical turning points from conception to puberty, and so, how we can achieve lifelong health and happiness through kinesiology. Conference Website: Join Us as...

Stay Relaxed, Improve Performance & Learn Throughout Life – Are You Coming to the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference?

The society nowadays is developing rapidly. External pressures are squeezing many people into stressed states and causing them to perform below their normal levels. Recent examples are the rise of fully automated, remote-controlled production equipment without the need of someone on site, and the launch of AI online chatting robots. Together, both have caused many labour-intensive jobs and entry-level positions in...

Learning Creativity – Céline SORIN

Céline SORIN from France will share how she uses many tools from Brain Gym® - Visioncircles, Movement Dynamics and Double Doodle Play, to support and develop the creativity. According to Céline, creativity is a lifelong learning cycle that we need now more than ever. Come to the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference, and listen to her speech “Learning Creativity”. Conference Website: Join...

For Lifelong Learning With Motivation – Kentaro KOBORI

Kentaro KOBORI from Japan believes that a better life = motivation for lifelong learning and growth. In his quest to find the answer, he realized that a balance of four things is important. Come to the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference, and listen to his speech “For Lifelong Learning With Motivation”. Conference Website: Join Us as Participant: Play video on YOUTUBE ...