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2023 International Kinesiology Conference Bilingual Conference Journal Now Available for Ordering!

The 2023 International Kinesiology Conference bilingual conference journal in English and Chinese is now available for ordering. The 700+ page publication... read more

Day 4 photos

2023 International Kinesiology Conference on Lifelong Learning - Day 4 photos to share. Thanks to all! read more

Day 3 photos

2023 International Kinesiology Conference on Lifelong Learning - Day 3 photos to share. Thanks to all! read more

Day 2 photos

2023 International Kinesiology Conference on Lifelong Learning - Day 2 photos to share. Thanks to all! read more

Day 1 photos

2023 International Kinesiology Conference on Lifelong Learning - Day 1 photos to share. Thanks to all! read more

Highlights of the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference – 6-minute Video Replay

The 4-day 2023 International Kinesiology Conference, with the theme of "Lifelong Learning", was successfully completed on October 17th! About 250 participants... read more

Fang Hui, Ph.D. from China will lead Health Qigong for Hypertension – Energizer at the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference

Fang Hui, Ph.D. from China will lead the conference participants in a set of eight routines of Health Qigong for... read more

Breaking Through Obstacles: A Demonstration and Initial Exploration with Hard Qigong with SHI Wei, China

Are there any obstacles that you would like to break through? If so, please come to the Energizer session with... read more

Chen’s Taijiquan with ZHAO Jinghua, China, at the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference

ZHAO Jinghua from China will lead us through Taichi movements in Chen’s style in the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference. She... read more

2023 International Kinesiology Conference – 30-second Self-produced Video – Deadline next Tuesday!

The deadline for ordering and submitting 30-second self-produced video advertisement slots will be next Tuesday (October 3, 2023)! The conference sponsor... read more

Let’s Dance with Nature! Rhythm and Vision in the Walking Gait Cycle – Gail DENNISON and Don WETSEL

Gail DENNISON and Don WETSEL from the U.S.A. will share a presentation and balance with you on switching on our... read more

Call for Energizers 2023 International Kinesiology Conference (Online) Theme: Lifelong Learning

Dear fellow kinesiologists, movement specialists, educators and other experts, We are glad to announce that the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference will... read more

2023 International Kinesiology Conference – Self-customized Advert (Option 2) – Deadline next Monday!

Self-customized advert (Option 2) : Write, design and provide print files to the sponsor. The closing date is September 18,... read more

2023 International Kinesiology Conference – 1-month early-bird offer, ends today!

The 1-month early bird offer for the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference on LIFELONG LEARNING ends today! Sign up with the sponsor... read more

2023 International Kinesiology Conference – Standard Congratulatory Message – Deadline on Thursday!

Advertisement in the conference journal - standard congratulatory message, will close on September 14, 2023 (Thursday)! Your standard congratulatory message... read more

Lifelong Learning – From Inception To Ageing – Vaishali BAFNA

Vaishali BAFNA from India will share the journey of individuals struck with allergy and their experiences with kinesiology that opened... read more

2023 International Kinesiology Conference – 1-month early-bird offer, only 3 days left!

This is a reminder that a 1-month early bird deadline for the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference on LIFELONG LEARNING is... read more

2023 International Kinesiology Conference – Conference Journal Pre-order Deadline: TOMORROW!

The PDF and paper versions of the conference journal of the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference (theme: Lifelong Learning) are now... read more

2023 International Kinesiology Conference – 1-month early-bird offer, 7 days left!

This is a reminder that a 1-month early bird deadline for the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference on LIFELONG LEARNING is... read more

The Power of Beliefs – “The Change of One Thought” Leads to Holistic Balance – SHI Jianping

SHI Jianping from China thinks that we can bring about the matching of internal bodily resources through the switching of... read more

2023 International Kinesiology Conference – Self-customized Advert (Option 1) – Deadline tomorrow!

We will be closing the deadline for those who wish to commission the sponsor to design and produce a self-customized... read more

Learning Alignment Methodology and Techniques (L.A.M.A.T.) – Hushmeela BHOOLA

Hushmeela BHOOLA from South Africa will present her lecture “Learning Alignment Methodology and Techniques (L.A.M.A.T.)”. Hushmeela will uncover some of... read more

To Live Authentically and Fulfilled – Developmental Kinesiology as a Chance To Come in Touch With Yourself – Renate WENNEKES

According to Renate WENNEKES from Germany, “To Live Authentically and Fulfilled” we need a good connection to our surroundings: to... read more

Invitation to Join Us as an Advertiser of the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference

The 2023 International Kinesiology Conference is a 4-day, bilingual, international online event in English and Chinese. In addition to the... read more

Objectivology: The Science for Setting Practical, Workable and Achievable Goals Into Your Practice and Into Your Daily Life – Maurizio PIVA

Maurizio PIVA from Italy will share how to set the best goal for the person without the need of muscle... read more

How To Develop the Sense of Centering Through Lifelong Learning Chinese Kung Fu? – Thomas Shiu Wing TSANG

Thomas Shiu Wing TSANG from Hong Kong, China, a kung fu master, will show you the theory of centre line... read more

From Olympic Chef to Olympic Animal Kinesiologist – Joan MORTON

Joan MORTON from Northern Ireland will talk to you about some of the techniques used on animals and how effective... read more

How To Use Brain Gym® and Touch for Health® to Shift Mindset and Eliminate Test Anxiety To Allow For Lifelong Learning – Elizabeth MORSE

Elizabeth MORSE from the U.S.A. will share how to use Brain Gym® and Touch for Health to help eliminate test... read more

Balancing the Drama Triangle, Created by Stephen Karpman, With Brain Gym® – Vinciane SCHOENMAECKERS

Vinciane SCHOENMAECKERS from Belgium will give a speech on “Balancing the Drama Triangle, Created by Stephen Karpman, With Brain Gym®”.... read more

Body Intelligence and Body Schema Through the Lens of Educational Kinesiology – Evgeniia LITVINOVA

Evgeniia LITVINOVA from Russia will share how to tap into your body's natural abilities, building a strong bodily foundation for... read more

1-month early-bird discount will be effective as of today!

Dear clients and friends, A 1-month early-bird discount for the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference on LIFELONG LEARNING will be effective as... read more

The Wisdom of the Five-Element Balance – YUAN Jun

According to YUAN Jun from the U.S.A., applying the dialectical thinking of the theory of mutual generation and mutual control... read more

Life Shines: Experiences That Made Life Shine by Using Touch for Health® for Lifelong Learning – SUZUKI Toshie

Toshie SUZUKI from Japan will share the experiences of people who have used Touch for Health to shine their lives.... read more

Lifelong Learning and Order in Life – Conrad S. C. HO

According to Conrad S. C. HO from Hong Kong, China, continuously managing the fundamentals of different personal issues and using... read more

Lifelong Learning in Manifesting Your “Intuitive Self” – Amy W.M. CHOI

Amy W.M. CHOI from Hong Kong, China will share with you what you need to do to have EMPTY YOUR... read more

Why Is This Happening to Me Again? – Jacque MOONEY

According to Jacque MOONEY from Australia, if we are aware enough, we can recognise that some of the painful events... read more

Effects of Motor Development on Learning Motivation – TANG Lan

TANG Lan from China found that motor development is the most important factor that affects learning motivation. She believes that... read more

Doing Brain Gym® Movements in a Passive Way – Angela Jie Yi LIM

Angela Jie Yi LIM from Singapore truly believes that our learning never stops. In her presentation "Doing Brain Gym® Movements... read more

Building a Good Ecosystem To Promote Active Learning – ZHENG Haiying

ZHENG Haiying from China will share the resource-oriented mindset in balance. According to ZHENG Haiying, various paths lead to the... read more

Unlocking the Writer Within by Applying a Combination of Brain Gym® Activities and Educational Kinesiology Concepts to the Basics of Writing – Carol Anne COOPER

Carol Anne COOPER from United Kingdom believes that improving your ability to write is an important part of lifelong learning.... read more

A Study on the Effect of Visual Perceptual Developmental Balancing on Reading in Adolescents – WANG Fengli

According to WANG Fengli from China, she has been working on balancing for young people’s studies and currently have more... read more

In the Land of Nothing – Henry REMANLAY

Henry REMANLAY from Indonesia has been incorporating kinesiology in his daily practice as a Chinese medicine decision, he realizes the... read more

Kinesiology Professionals Are Invited to Come to the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference

Kinesiology Professionals are invited to come to the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference to update and upgrade yourself with the latest... read more

Unlock Your Brain Potential, Never Too Late – Atsuko SCHAEDEL

According to Atsuko SCHAEDEL from Japan, we need corpus callosum to be switched on! What if you don’t have corpus... read more

The Golden Anniversary of the Golden Book: 50 Years of Sharing Touch for Health® for Lifelong Learning – Matthew THIE

Matthew THIE from the U.S.A. will talk about the golden anniversary of The Golden Book, the original ideas, the golden... read more

Movements Promotes Learning and Brings About Changes – A Record of Application of Touch for Health® Balances for the Integration of Body, Mind and Brain – SHAO Yinghua

SHAO Yinghua from China will share with you the practical applications and insights of Touch for Health® in everyday life.... read more

How Kinesiology Can Positively Influence the Gene Pool of Future Generations and What We Learn From Epigenetics – Marina GIESHOIDT

Marina GIESHOIDT from Germany will present her talk “How Kinesiology Can Positively Influence the Gene Pool of Future Generations and... read more

Stay Relaxed, Improve Performance & Learn Throughout Life – Are You Coming to the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference?

The society nowadays is developing rapidly. External pressures are squeezing many people into stressed states and causing them to perform... read more

Learning Creativity – Céline SORIN

Céline SORIN from France will share how she uses many tools from Brain Gym® - Visioncircles, Movement Dynamics and Double... read more

For Lifelong Learning With Motivation – Kentaro KOBORI

Kentaro KOBORI from Japan believes that a better life = motivation for lifelong learning and growth. In his quest to... read more

Neurological Multi-dimensional Repatterning – Sylvia Marina

According to Sylvia MARINA from Australia, “Neurological Multi-Dimensional Repatterning” is an immersion. This immersion will make our behavioural actions and... read more

Exploring Brain Gym® Activities in Connection With Musculo Skeletal Structure and Kinesiology Concepts (With Examples From a Chiropractic Setting) – Kay McCARROLL

Kay McCARROLL from United Kingdom will talk about how the muscles and skeletal structures involved in 2 Brain Gym activities... read more

Unlock Your Learning Capabilities at Any Age – Lucie PAPIKOVA

In her speech “Unlock Your Learning Capabilities at Any Age” Lucie PAPIKOVA from Switzerland will take you through three powerful... read more

Electro Magnetic Field EMF Disturbance, Radiation and Clear Positive Intention – Research. Its Effects on Speech, Balance and the Body’s Energetic Field Coherence ⚮ A 15 Year Clinical Anecdotal Research Study 2007 – 2022⚮ – Lee-Anne MACLEOD

In her speech “Electro Magnetic Field EMF Disturbance, Radiation and Clear Positive Intention – Research. Its Effects on Speech, Balance... read more

Once Upon a Time…… or Back to the Roots of Our Lifelong Learning – Aurore CAMARD

In her speech “Once Upon a Time…… or Back to the Roots of Our Lifelong Learning”, Aurore Camard from Austria... read more

Learning Is a Ladder for Biological Evolution – CHEN Yanbing

Chen Yanbing from China believes that as human beings, we must have the ability to learn and adapt, in order... read more

Enriching Lifelong Learning With Kinesiology – Rose HARROW

Lifelong learning is now part of every day, for everyone. And according to Rose Harrow from the U.S., kinesiology makes... read more

The Solar Term Balances and Lifelong Learning – Harmonizing With the Rhythms of Nature – LUO Gang

LUO Gang from China will share his lecture on " The Solar Term Balances and Lifelong Learning - Harmonizing With... read more

What Are the 7 Outstanding Features of the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference?

Learn from about 54 speakers from 21 regions around the world - Gain insights, knowledge and skills from dynamic speakers... read more

Kinesiology 4 Numeracy – Sue PEACE

Sue PEACE from the U.K. will be talking about her method “kinesiology for numeracy” in her speech at the 2023... read more

Aromatic Kinesiology – Aromatic Healing in Blossoming Heart Balances – Wen XU

Wen XU from Australia will introduce Aromatic Kinesiology at the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference. Aromatic Kinesiology incorporates the use of... read more

The Management of Chronic Pain Using HeartSpeak in a Yoga Context – Anne Jensen, Ph.D.

Anne Jensen, Ph.D. from Australia will be reporting on the results of a research study she undertook to test if... read more

Teachers and Parents Are Invited to Come to the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference

Teachers and parents are invited to come to the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference on October 14-17 this year to gain... read more

Check Out 2023 International Kinesiology Conference Website for Latest Updates – Speaker Photos, Speech Topics, etc.

Good news! You may now go to the website of the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference at to see photos,... read more

2023 International Kinesiology Conference Speaker List and Speech Topics – Initial Release!

The list of speakers and speech titles for the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference have been finalised! As the number of applicants... read more

Lunar New Year greetings from Amy, Conrad and staff of Brain Body Centre Ltd.!

Wishing you an auspicious and healthy Year of the Rabbit from Amy, Conrad and staff of Brain Body Centre Ltd.! Our... read more

【Speaker Application is Closed | 2023 International Kinesiology Conference (Online) | Theme: Lifelong Learning】

Speaker application for 2023 International Kinesiology Conference is now closed. Thank you for your interest and support! Applicants will receive letters... read more

50th Golden Anniversary for Touch for Health® – What is Your Idea and Contribution? | 2023 International Kinesiology Conference (Online) | Theme: Lifelong Learning

2023 is the 50th Golden Anniversary of the founding of Touch for Health®! What are some of your goals and... read more

Speaker Application Deadline Approaching | 2023 International Kinesiology Conference (Online) | Theme: Lifelong Learning

2023 is the 50th Anniversary of the founding of Touch for Health®! To celebrate this important year, an 2023 International... read more

Happy Holidays from the 2023 International Kinesiology Conference Organizing Team

Greetings from the conference sponsor team to everyone! As 2022 is coming to an end, you may be thinking about life... read more

Open Call for Speakers – 2023 International Kinesiology Conference (Online). Theme: Lifelong Learning

Download Speaker Application Form (doc file) Apply Online Now! Download Speaker Application Form (PDF file) Dear fellow kinesiologists, movement specialists,... read more

One-year Countdown for 2023 International Kinesiology Conference. Mark Your Calendar Now!

Play video on Youtube Play video on WeChat The 2023 International Kinesiology Conference is only a year away! Please mark... read more

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